Welcome to this edition of the GeoGroup newsletter. Much of this year has been dedicated to the various projects in South Africa, and across our borders that we were able to complete successfully. In this feature, we focus on the teams behind the scenes who go the extra mile to help make every project a successful one. In this issue, we look at: • Across Borders - Getting ou ...
Geopile Africa

GeoGroup Newsletter | June 2021
June 2021 Newsletter Welcome to the June edition of the GeoGroup Newsletter. As we are approaching the 2021 mid-point, it seems that this year is one of those that just flies by. With many projects underway and more to come, we had to recruit more than 15 new staff members in order to meet the demand within the drilling sector. It's a great honour for us to be in a position wh ...

GeoGroup Newsletter | May 2021
May 2021 Newsletter Welcome to the May edition of the GeoGroup Newsletter. Drilling has always been at the core of the GeoGroup since its establishment in 1989 by the late founder and CEO, Dave Rossiter. We have continued to grow and evolve over the years with new vehicles and rigs regularly being added to our growing fleet. We are thankful for the years of experience we have ...

GeoGroup Newsletter | Arpil 2021
April 2021 Newsletter As we head into the second quarter of the year, many of us stand in amazement that it has already been 1 year since the start of the national lockdown. Although many countries around the world are still facing various challenges, we can positively say that having the ability to adapt is an invaluable strength in a personal capacity and when it comes to ru ...

GeoGroup Newsletter | March 2021
Let's March! The best way to describe the energy among the GeoGroup team since the beginning of the year, and especially this month, would be the popular saying "GO TEAM GO!". Just in the past couple of months, we have visited many locations all across South Africa as well as projects in Lesotho, Uganda and Malawi, to mention only a few. And with more projects lined up, it is ...

GeoGroup Newsletter | February 2021
"Hello, February!" The GeoGroup has had an extremely busy start to the year. Currently, we have 35 Projects within the group of companies of which we are truly grateful for. We want to dedicate this edition of the GeoGroup newsletter to all of our clients for their continuous support and especially to each and every GeoGroup employee for their dedication and the excellence the ...

GeoGroup Newsletter | January 2021
Happy New Year! Welcome to the first edition of the GeoGroup newsletter for 2021. We wish all our staff and clients a successful and prosperous 2021.We have been back at work for a week already and our teams have been deployed to the field beginning site works. Our teams have been retrained and medicalised and ready for the year ahead of hopefully some uninterrupted hard work ...

GeoGroup Newsletter | November 2020
Building on Strength 2020 has been a defining year for businesses across the world, especially for those of us in our own HR departments. We are at the centre of all the ups and downs when it comes to our employees both physically and mentally. At GeoGroup, we have always lived by the legacy that the late Dave Rossiter, founder of GeoGroup, left with us. He always used to say ...

GeoGroup Newsletter | September 2020
“Full steam ahead captain!” With the recent ease of restrictions, as the nation moved into Level-1 of the national lockdown, GeoGroup has been going at it at double the speed. And with all the newly awarded projects to the various GeoGroup companies, we are proud to announce that our engines are running at full capacity. Deployment to new sites are happening weekly while our f ...

GeoGroup Newsletter | July 2020
Catch up on the latest news and updates in our July Newsletter.
Plot 28 Central Road
Sunrella, Lanseria
South Africa
Tel. +27 (0)861 436 632
Email. info@geogroup.co.za