Sonic Drilling

The sonic rig bores 3-5 times faster (depending on soil conditions) while using less drilling mud and is able to provide continuous core samples to depths of more than 100 meters. As a result, sonic drilling can be employed in many applications including geotechnical and geothermal projects, environmental investigations and mineral exploration.
How it works
GeoGroup has three sonic drilling machines. The SDC 450-24 uses the Sonic Drill Corporation’s patented sonic drill head which sends high-frequency resonant vibrations down the drill string to the drill bit, while the operator controls these frequencies to suit the specific conditions of the soil/rock geology. Resonance magnifies the amplitude of the drill bit, which fluidizes the soil particles at the bit face, allowing for fast and easy penetration through most geological formations. An internal air spring isolates these vibrational forces from the rest of the drill rig. By providing the necessary rotational and vibrational forces, the sonic rig is able to core and case holes in any overburden material, drilling where most other rigs can't.
The Geo 601 is a uniquely designed, sonic and rotary core combination drill rig. It is a specialist drill rig, equipped with both a Tone sonic drill head with proven reliability and a standard hydraulic high-speed rotary core drill head, gives the user the best of both worlds. The rig is also fitted with a hydraulic trip hammer for conducting SPT’s.
And the Secon Compact Sonic Crawler 190kN which can be controlled remotely with 2 wireless interfaces.
The reason for the two drill heads is to allow the operator to achieve excellent core recovery in soft overburden materials while maintaining the advantage of being able to conduct conventional or wireline rotary core drilling efficiently and competitively priced, with the same drill rig.
Sonic Drilling Equipment

Drilling in sands for Rio Tinto
Sonic drilling for Rio Tinto ’s Richards Bay Minerals sands project at the RBM site near Richards Bay. Geomech Africa uses the SDC 450-24 sonic drill rig from Canada to drill the required deep boreholes in mineral sands.