CPTu & In-situ Testing

Road Interchange, Paarl
CPTu testing for a road interchange in the Paarl area. The project entailed 12 CPTu’s, with augering through the hard layers, to a total depth of 20m.

Khanyisa Power Station
The Apageo Pressure Meter test and other In-Situ tests were done to determine the soil characteristics to be used for assessment of excavation methods and for detailed design of foundations, ground improvement and earthworks.

Fufu Hydropower Project, Malawi
The Ministry of Energy and Natural resources of Malawi commissioned Geomechanics to undertake a geotechnical survey of two potential locations for hydroelectric power stations, one in the north and one in the south of Malawi.

CPTu testing to establish the profile of mine's orebodies
Geomech Africa was recently contracted to help Tronox Fairbreeze mine establish certain geotechnical properties of their orebodies as a basis for future mine expansion.
Plot 28 Central Road
Sunrella, Lanseria
South Africa
Tel. +27 (0)861 436 632
Email. info@geogroup.co.za