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Nelson Mandela Month | PETS JHB

In honour of Nelson Mandela Month, the GeoGroup partnered up with PETS (Pet Empowerment in Townships) Johannesburg for a donation towards the food items they need to feed the animals that they are sheltering. We have a deep love for animals in need of shelter, a home and love. It's because of this that we chose to help PETS Jhb for our 67 minutes of change.PETS (Pet Empowerment ...

Electronic Vane Shear Testing

Electronic Vane Shear Testing (eVST) is a widely used method for measuring the undrained shear strength and remoulded shear strength of soil. This technique involves pushing the apparatus into the soil and rotating it, using an electronic motor situated above the vanes, at a controlled rate while measuring the torque required to cause shear failure. eVST is a quick, easy, and n ...

Difficult Drilling Access

Our projects often take us to locations that few people have ever seen. On high mountains, and in deep valleys.For a recent project, our teams were commissioned to conduct geotechnical drilling in an area that rarely sees the presence of any human being. Surrounded by wildlife, our teams had to build roads by breaking apart boulders and flattening them out to create access rout ...

July 2023 | Newsletter

Welcome to this edition of the GeoGroup newsletter. In this issue, we look at the following: Geotechnical Investigation for Dam Wall Repairs Difficult Drilling Access About Electronic Vane Shear Testing Nelson Mandela Month | PETS Jhb To read all the articles, ...

June 2023 | Newsletter

Welcome to this edition of the GeoGroup newsletter. In this issue, we look at the following: Wireless Systems Integration for Geotechnical Monitoring About Mostap Sampling Team Empowerment Through Safety Nelson Mandela Day To read the full newsletter, ...

In-Situ Testing Services

GeoGroup offers a variety of In-Situ testing services: Each of these methods provides unique information about the soil or rock being tested, such as its strength, stiffness, and compressibility.In-situ testing is particularly useful in situations where obtaining soil or rock samples are difficult or nearly impossible, such as in deep foundations or underwater structures. By ...

May 2023 | Newsletter

Welcome to this edition of the GeoGroup newsletter. In this issue, we look at the following: Investigate the Geotechnical Properties on Tailings | Success Story In-Situ Testing Services Covers & Cans | Winter Donations Youth Day 2023 To read the full newsletter, ...

April 2023 | Newsletter

Welcome to this edition of the GeoGroup newsletter. In this issue, we look at the following: Dam Betterment | Success Story Good Vibrations | About Sonic Drilling Onboarding for Site Covers & Cans | Winter Donations To read the full newsletter, ...

Remote Site Establishment | Malawi

Remote Site Establishment | MalawiAt the GeoGroup, we are no strangers to the outdoors and the remote and wild locations our projects take us to. In this instance, our crews and site managers welcomed Malawi as their temporary home.When we first reach a site, the first step is to prepare a camp and ensure we have a safe and hygienic setup for our staff. Preparing the ground, le ...

Drillers in the Mist

DRILLERS IN THE MISTBy Brett Mannix (Western Cape Regional Manager)There’s something unusual about preparing yourself in a site mud room with gumboots and a rain suit over your standard required PPE when the ambient temperature is in the mid-thirties, and the conditions are equivalent to that of a tropical rainstorm. This was the case on a recent drilling project the Geomech Af ...