Euro Trip 2022 | New Technologies & New Possibilities

Within every industry, there will always be the constant of "change". With that in mind, it is imperative for any business to continually grow and expand its portfolio. As new tech or procedures becomes available, it often requires businesses to leap further into the future in order to provide top-quality services.
In recent months, Royal Eijkelkamp, based in the Netherlands, invited members of the GeoGroup and their clients to an Experience Day to showcase their services and new equipment pieces available to be used within the Geotechnical Investigations field. Royal Eijkelkamp is a leader in the production and supply of Sonic drilling and CPT equipment. Operations Director, Grant Rijsmus, and Senior CPT Manager, Meldt van der Spuy, were elected to travel to the Netherlands to attend the Experience Day. As many of the GeoGroup equipment suppliers are based in Europe, they decided to plan the trip and visit all the various equipment suppliers.
During the course of their 14-day stay in Europe, they visited 6 various suppliers. The team attended a 2-day S-CPTu training course presented by Gerald Verbeek which gave new insight into the testing methodologies of CPT. The next stop in the Netherlands was to visit A.P. Van Den Berg to enquire about the electronic vane shear, which provides valuable information in cohesive soils. After the Netherlands, it was off to Italy to meet with our suppliers, including Geotechnical Equipment manufacturers, Pagani and Comacchio, to learn about state-of-the-art equipment technologies currently in production.
The final stop for Grant and Meldt was at Studio Prof. Marchetti S.r.l. who provided insight into the Seismic Dilatometer. The SDMT in conjunction with S-CPTu tests provides a complete geotechnical profile, greatly enhancing the understanding of the investigation being conducted.
"We are excited to announce that we’re in the process of acquiring a Seismic DMT system. By introducing this technology in our CPT and geotechnical drilling services, we will be able to provide our clients with even more valuable information." - Meldt van der Spuy (Senior CPT Manager)
Plot 28 Central Road
Sunrella, Lanseria
South Africa
Tel. +27 (0)861 436 632