A Tribute to Jan Boschoff

It is with deep regret that we note the passing of Jan Boshoff, who was a loyal employee of Geomechanics for 13 years. Jan’s enthusiasm and exuberance will be sorely missed by all those in the GeoGroup family.
His skills in the field were unmatched, particularly during difficult access drilling investigations which involved helicopters, mountains, barges, lakes and rivers. His most notable achievements in the company were during the Cahora Bassa North Bank Power Station investigation, the Moatize Nacala railway line investigation, the Fufu and Mpatamanga hydropower investigations in Malawi and more recently the Senqu dam project in Lesotho.
‘Jannie’, ‘Jan maak n plan’, ‘Bosveldt Bull’, these are just a few of the nicknames he managed to gather along his journey. His huge heart, fear of nothing and endless energy will be an indescribable loss to his Geomechanics family. He was a man who cared for everybody - no matter what you needed he was there. He was innocent, honest and as mischievous as a child. He brought laughter wherever he went and everyone who worked with him in the field has many stories to share. He walked through herds of buffalo when others would walk around. He picked up puff adders and boomslangs with his bare hands. He caught a monkey in a trap and gave it a hiding for stealing fruit from the kitchens; and all this with a sense of amazement that no-one else handled things quite the same way.
We can’t quite believe that he isn’t going to burst through the office door with a grin on his face, and laughter in his voice as he shouts, “Come Soutnekke, let’s move it!”.
Our sincerest condolences go out to his family